
MeteorSpec-NETWORK - software for designing 0.4kV networks.

Features summary

MeteorSpec-NETWORK is a CAD plugin for designing electrical part of low-voltage distribution networks. MeteorSpec-NETWORK version 2 provides the following features:

  • Simulation of low-voltage distribution network models of any level of complexity. The distribution network model can be located in a separate dwg-file or can be situated directly in the electrical installation project file as the part of your project.
  • Unlimited quantity of distribution network models in the drawing. The MeteorSpec-NETWORK supports three-phase (50Hz) distribution networks with radial topology and with symmetrical three-phase loads. The degree of branching in a feeder is not limited.
  • Calculation of short-circuit currents. The minimum and maximum short-circuit currents are calculated according to IEC60909 (last edition 2016).
  • Calculation of voltage losses. Voltage losses in distribution networks can be calculated at each node of a network feeder.
  • Calculation of power sum and load currents. Actual load currents in distribution network feeders can be calculated using factors of maximum utilization and factors of simultaneity.
  • Assigning, viewing and changing data of distribution network objects. Data can be assigned to a single object or to multiple objects in a feeder.
  • Automatic display data of distribution network nodes and cable sections on information markers.
  • Specifications of cable equipment. The MeteorCalc SL allows to obtain specifications of power cables. The length of each cable is defined as the length of a polyline in a drawing plus additional length value as specified by the user. Cables connected in parallel are taken into account when calculating cable specifications.
  • Integrated power cables data library. The cable database is destined to support actually any electrical power cable type used in low-voltage distribution networks. The cable database can be extended at the request of the users.
  • Detailed reports of calculation procedure. The program has a calculation process, which is open to monitoring. An external report can be created as text file and it includes detailed descriptions of all steps of the calculation procedure.
  • Build-in Help system contains detailed descriptions of all calculation procedures and recommendations for selection of protective devices in low-voltage feeders.
  • Automatic error checking command inspects and check your network models.
  • There are build-in commands for management of program layers and of draworder of model objects.
  • Auxiliary commands. There are many auxiliary commands that increase the speed and convenience of your work: "Draw Model Line" command draw a polyline from block to block; „Insert Block command inserts model blocks; „Color Feeder“ command changes a color of all cable sections in a network feeder.
  • Connection with street lighting networks. Any junction of low-voltage distribution network simulated by the MeteorSpec-NETWORK can be used as a power supply point of a street lighting cabinet designed by the MeteorCalc SL software. More information about MeteorCalc SL you may find in the website:

Long-term experience of using the prototype of this program allows to claim that the productivity of electrical designers in the use of this plugin increases several times.


Convenient program interface is built according to all base stages of the design process of the electric part of low-voltage distribution networks. On this page you can see only some of the many dialog windows used by the MeteorSpec-NETWORK.

Power Cable Data

Assigning data to a power cable. Power cable spans are simulated with lightweight polylines drawn on the program work layer. Certain data must be assigned to an object to define the cable section.

MeteorSpec LT - Power Cable Data

Click on the „Set Construction“ button to select a new cable construction via the "Cable Constructions" window. Having the construction selected, the fields "Cable type" and "Cable wires" load the list of all cables relating to the construction selected.

Power Supply Source Data

The dialog window allows to set and view all required data of a power supply source of low-voltage feeder.

MeteorSpec LT - Power Supply Source Data

A block of a power supply source contains data about the medium-voltage supply network and data about the transformer. Click on the corresponding „Set Data“ button to assign or modify properties of a MV- network and a two-winding transformer.

Consumer Data

Generally the loads in outdoor low-voltage distribution networks are „complex" consumers (houses, residential buildings, office buildings etc.).

MeteorSpec LT - Consumer Data

The dialog window allows to set and view all necessary data of a three phase balanced load. To calculate actual maximum load currents in distribution network feeders you can use the correction factors, such as: factor of maximum utilization and factor of simultaneity.

Junction Data

A block of a junction simulates any node of a distribution network where two or more cable sections are connected together. It may be a distribution panel board, switchboard, connection box, cable joint, cable branch point etc.

MeteorSpec LT - Junction Data

Click on the „Set“ button to define internal impedance of the node via the "Junction Internal Impedance" dialog window.

Any junction can be used as a power supply point of street lighting cabinet designed by the MeteorCalc SL software.

Calculations at the node

The dialog window allows to set the initial parameters to calculate short-circuit currents and voltage losses at the selected point of a feeder. By the user's choice this command allows to perform the following calculations:

  1. Calculation of the maximum short-circuit current at the end terminals of the incoming cable section of the selected node.
  2. Calculation of the voltage loss in the power supply line from a power supply source to the selected node.
  3. Calculation of the minimum short-circuit current at the end terminals of the incoming cable section of the selected node.

MeteorSpec LT - Calculations at the node

Calculation results are output to the window "Results window" for preview or, in a form of a block, output into the drawing.

MeteorSpec LT - Node calculation results window

The calculated maximum short-circuit current (rms and peak values) determines the breaking capacity and the making capacity of circuit breakers and the breaking capacity of fuses. The calculated minimum short-circuit current (rms value) allows to choose the setting of thresholds for overcurrent protective devices and allows to verify disconnection time of protective devices.

The calculated voltage loss helps to choose and check cross-sections of cables. This is a total voltage loss calculated from the power supply source to the node, taking into account all loads of the feeder.

Calculations in a cable section

This command calculates the power flow and the load current in the selected cable section. The calculation procedure takes into account correction factors if they are defined for consumers of the calculated feeder.

MeteorSpec LT - Calculations in a cable section

Calculation results are output to the window "Power Line Calculation" for preview, and are further, in a form of a block, output into the drawing.

MeteorSpec LT - Cable calculation results window

The calculated actual maximum load current allows to choose protection devices and check cross-sections of cables.

Help System

The build-in Help system describes the operation of MeteorSpec-NETWORK.

MeteorSpec LT - Help System